Pink Lilies in Bloom

from $99.99
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This is a beautiful arrangement of Pink Lilies , Roses, and other pink flowers arranged in a vase accented with a filler flowers and greens. It is sure to impress anyone. (Image shows standard arrangement) (Rose Color May Vary Depending On Availability) ATTENTION CUSTOMERS:Due to high demand. FullBloom Lilies (as shown in photo) may be not be opened in arrangement. Some arrangements will have partially opened lilies, allowing you to enjoy these beautiful flowers opening in front of your eyes. Pink Lilies will be used to make this arrangement. Pink Rose Lilies may be used.

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This is a beautiful arrangement of Pink Lilies , Roses, and other pink flowers arranged in a vase accented with a filler flowers and greens. It is sure to impress anyone. (Image shows standard arrangement) (Rose Color May Vary Depending On Availability) ATTENTION CUSTOMERS:Due to high demand. FullBloom Lilies (as shown in photo) may be not be opened in arrangement. Some arrangements will have partially opened lilies, allowing you to enjoy these beautiful flowers opening in front of your eyes. Pink Lilies will be used to make this arrangement. Pink Rose Lilies may be used.

This is a beautiful arrangement of Pink Lilies , Roses, and other pink flowers arranged in a vase accented with a filler flowers and greens. It is sure to impress anyone. (Image shows standard arrangement) (Rose Color May Vary Depending On Availability) ATTENTION CUSTOMERS:Due to high demand. FullBloom Lilies (as shown in photo) may be not be opened in arrangement. Some arrangements will have partially opened lilies, allowing you to enjoy these beautiful flowers opening in front of your eyes. Pink Lilies will be used to make this arrangement. Pink Rose Lilies may be used.